How often should you do Pilates?
My take on fitness snobs
How do you know if you have a muscle imbalance?
I'm now posting workouts online and, um, it's kind of scary.
Have you signed up for Speakeasy Pilates' newsletter?
The recurring wheel issues on my latest Stott V2 Max Reformer
Speakeasy finally got an exterior sign!
Pilates vs. weight lifting: Which is better for building muscle?
What Exactly is an "Imprinted Spine" in Pilates? And why is this AI-generated image so freaking crazy?
An App to Reduce Mindless Scrolling
Do These 3 Things to Improve Your Metabolic Health
How I Try to Maintain Clear Thinking
I'm Mulling the Next "IT" Vegetable (Lima Beans??)
Are flip-flops bad for your feet?
How I fixed my new but janky Stott V2 Max reformer
Why do hands and feet get so sweaty in Pilates?
How I DIY'd my own Pilates balance pole
Is squatting good for you?
You have to eat HOW MANY fruits and veg per day?
Low Back Pain? Do This Stretch